Monday, November 10, 2008
Inertia \i-ˈnər-shə, -shē-ə\
It's been a month since I set up this account so I could blog, but I haven't posted anything. How does one begin blogging? I've had several ideas occur to me, but somehow, all of them seemed too specific to simply begin talking about them, cold turkey. I'm in need of some topic to begin the flow of ideas.
[At the time I wrote that first paragraph, it was true. Since then, I've edited to my satisfaction and published the first blog I ever composed. It appears before this one chronologically. I wound up going cold turkey after all.]
In other blogs, I've noticed that the first post is usually an introduction of sorts. Which begs the question, how much do I want people to know about me? The readers of this blog will fall into three general categories. Friends and relatives that I know intimately, acquaintances from the internet, and finally, random people who run across this in some way or another. I imagine that the last category of people will eventually be the majority. That is, if my posts appeal to people in general on some level. I'd expect my friends and relatives to read this even if it wasn't interesting.
[Everything prior to this point was written coincident with the date of publication. Everything subsequent, has been composed at a much later date.]
Looking back on what I wrote above, it's all still true, with the exception that I've now actually committed to publishing my original post. Over the eleven months it took me to work up the courage to go 'live,' my best approach to this problem of beginning the blogging process was to begin banging away at the keyboard whenever an idea occurred to me, worrying about hammering each one into some semblance of a coherent entry at a later date. As I came back to my ideas again and again, overtime they've developed into something usable. Or so I hope. I now have a number of unfinished thoughts maturing in the Blogspot composition ovens. I sense that many of them will emerge now that I've lost my blogger virginity.
The fact that Blogspot publishes posts with the date of each entry's very first keystroke, gives me much joy. It's a fact I didn't learn until I published my first blog entry. Preserved in that date is the exact moment of the birth of each idea as it has occurred to me over the past eleven months. It means that, unless I decide to state otherwise, or my few early followers are paying close attention to when things appear on my blog, nobody will ever know the actual date each item was published. If the thoughts expressed in each post are timeless and relevant enough, it shouldn't matter much.
Oh. Are you all still hoping that there will be some sort of introduction here? Well, with regard to beginnings, I've decided that introductions are among the most cold turkey of all methods available. I think you will all be better served by learning about me via the thoughts I express here, and I will be better served learning about all of you via your comments. Let the introductions begin!
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